Grass Image


Personalize your growing experience

Are you tired of your plants dying despite everything you do to take care of them? Use Grass!

Grass keeps you on top of your watering and fertilization needs, keeping your plants happy and alive.


  • Sends timely notifications for you to water your plants in a timely manner.
  • Colourful dashboards with straight-to-the-point visuals so you can spend less time jumping around menus to find what you need.
  • You get to increase the greenery in your home or workplace without having to worry about forgetting to water your plants.
New Project Image

New Project

Brief description of the new project.

Details about what the new project does and its purpose.


  • Feature 1 of the new project.
  • Feature 2 of the new project.
  • Feature 3 of the new project.

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